• $21.25

Genestra Iron is for anyone concerned with iron deficiency. Genestra's formula is a highly soluble Iron compound for maximum absorption. Ideal for those concerned with anemia, low energy, fatigue and other symptoms related to iron deficiency. Each capsules contains 40 mg of Iron. Available in convenient 100% vegetable sourced veggie.

What is Iron?
Iron is a chemical element with the symbol Fe. Biologically speaking, Iron is an essential trace mineral found within all living organisms. The most commonly studied and well-known compounds of iron within the human body are the heme proteins, as in hemoglobin and myoglobin. Iron uptake and storage is carefully regulated in the body. A protein called transferrin which binds iron absorbed from the duodenum,and carries it to the blood cells, is a major part of this regulation. Iron is stored in the body as ferritin.

Functions in the body
One major function of iron protein compounds is the transport of gases, the most important of which is oxygen. Hemoglobin (in the blood) and myoglobin (found in muscle tissue) are dependent on iron for their ability to carry oxygen to all of the body's tissues. Iron is necessary for biological oxidation reactions (the transport of electrons). Iron is also an important part of enzyme systems, processes that speed up chemical reactions in the body, such as catalase and lipoxygenase.

Iron containing enzymes synthesize the brain chemicals serotonin and dopamine. Serotonin regulates mood and appetite while deficient levels of dopamine lead to diseases like Parkinson's. Iron also helps in the synthesis of collagen and elastin, which provides structural stability to most tissues and play a special role in maintaining elasticity in areas like the lungs and skin. Iron containing enzymes in the liver, called cytochromes, mediate the metabolism of many drugs. Carnitine carries fat into cells for use in energy production and requires iron for its production.

Iron in our Diet
Iron is found in the diet in two forms; heme iron and non heme iron. Heme iron is contained in animal products and considered to be more highly absorbed than it's non-heme counterpart. Lean red meats are probably the highest sources of this type of iron. Non-heme iron comes from vegetables, grains and beans (plant sources). There are some natural ways to increase iron absorption, especially important if you are eating mostly non-heme iron sources. Making sure to pair iron rich foods (heme or non-heme) with foods rich in vitamin C is one such way. Vitamin C can significantly improve iron absorption. See below for more ways to optimize iron absorption.