• $46.99

The organically certified, wild-crafted chaga mushroom from the Finnish Lapland may be the most unique plant ever ‘discovered.’

With the highest antioxidant value recorded in a natural food, the Arctic chaga contains not only beta glucans and nutrients like other mushrooms, but other biologically active compounds that may not be present or present in much lower quantities in other mushrooms.

A potent adaptogen, the chaga mushroom holds tremendous value for your overall everyday health as well as potential for immune, cellular and gastrointestinal support.*

Our Organic Chaga Mushroom is hand-harvested from living Arctic birch trees in approved Certified Organic designated areas within the wild forests of the Finnish Lapland north of the Arctic Circle. An area known for its ecological sustainability practices, remoteness and sparse population, its levels of pollutants, heavy metals and other impurities fall under levels of detection.

Compared to chaga that is produced indoors on grains, our wild-crafted Organic Chaga Mushroom from birch trees is higher in beta glucans and other compounds, such as betulinic acid and triterpenoids. These beneficial compounds are unique to chaga grown on birch trees, as the mushroom absorbs many of these compounds from the tree’s bark.

Our Organic Chaga Mushroom is a 50/50 blend of Organic Chaga Extract and Organic Chaga Powder that is standardized to polyphenols, polysaccharides and beta glucans. Each one-tablet serving provides 25 mg of polyphenols and 40 mg of polysaccharides with 25 mg of beta glucans.

Help safeguard your everyday health, and order Organic Chaga Mushroom today.

  • Organic