• $20.99
  • These Patches are designed to educate children about the importance of sun protection using its color-changing feature, making it a delightful and effective learning tool.
  • Sunny Patch's playful design and color-changing magic can make sunblock application more enjoyable for children, turning it into a fun game rather than a chore.
  • Sunny Patch is compatible with all types of sunscreen, so you can pair it with your child's favorite sensitive skin-friendly sunblock to ensure a gentle and protective experience.
  • The Patches are dermatologically tested to ensure compatibility with various skin types and tones, providing a safe and effective sun-safety solution for the whole family.
  • Its not only informs you if sunscreen is doing its job but also makes an excellent companion for outdoor escapades. It offers a handy visual cue for reapplying sunblock, ensuring your child stays protected from the sun's rays.
  • Its compact size and easy application make it an ideal beach or park buddy.