• $12.00

Herbal medicine has been used for thousands of years to prevent and treat most health conditions in addition to promoting healing. If you have always been interested in natural medicine, but never knew where to start, here is your chance to take charge of your health. Through my naturopathic studies and months of research and testing, I have formulated the following organic herbal blends to help you with all of your health-related needs. My one and only goal is for you to be well.

Peppermint: helps relieve gas, bloating and indigestion. may help reduce IBS symptoms. muscle relaxant and pain reliever, which can help with muscle spasms in the gut. stimulates the secretion of gastric juices that help break down food in your stomach, which helps speed up digestion. helps reduce the feeling of being full and helps reduce the inflammation that causes bloating.

Chamomile: helps to soothe intestinal and stomach muscles. due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it can help reduce bloating caused by inflammation in the intestinal wall.

Fennel: stimulates bile production for better digestion. its calming effects allow food and intestinal gas to travel throughout the digestive tract more easily.

Lemon Balm: has carminative, antispasmodic and nerving properties that act on the smooth muscle surrounding the intestines to relax and promote the passage of gas.

Ginger: powerful anti-inflammatory that contains compounds known to help relieve bloating. it helps calm inflammation and soothes the intestinal tract. also helps alleviate the nausea associated with indigestion.

Dandelion: natural diuretic that helps reduce water weight/retention by increasing urination, which helps relieve bloating. it helps the body flush out excess fluid and eliminate toxins that may be producing the excess gas.


*Please consult with your healthcare practitioner before consuming herbal products, particularly if you are pregnant, nursing, or on any medications.

*This information and these products are not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any disease.

  • Organic