• $1.99

Artisana Raw Organic Superfood Nut Butter Squeeze Pack Acai Berry, is a cashew butter based spread, available in a convenient .5oz squeeze pack. The Amazonian Super fruit with nut butter. Acai berry, a natural “superfood”, is as a wonder fruit as it brings a lot of nutrients to the body and boasts a high concentration of antioxidants. It is called a “superfood” because you can get almost all your day’s nutritional requirements from this single fruit. The Acai berry has been found to be naturally rich in omega fats, electrolytes, proteins, antioxidants, Vitamins A, B1 and E and amino acids.

  • Crudo
  • Orgánico
  • Vegano
  • Gluten libremente
  • Lechería libremente
  • Soja libremente
  • Sin OGM
  • Kosher