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Minami Nutrition - MorEPA Smart Fats Fish Oil Formula Orange - 30 Softgels

Minami Nutrition MorEPA Smart Fats Fish Oil Formula Orange is an optimal EPA-DHA Formula to support concentration, mood, and healthy heart. Minami Nutrition MorEPA Smart Fats Fish Oil Formula Orange contains 750 Omega-3 with only one soft gel (compared to 300 mg in most other brands.

Minami don’t have actual competitors,  they are merely copycats

Tested Fish Oil for use during periods of intense mental effort. When using MorEPAâ„¢ fish oil, students show more inclination to make extra mental efforts.

The fact that MorEPA helps to restore your fatty acid balance has been proven scientifically. The Omega-3 fatty acids from MorEPA fish oil was absorbed into the blood circulation due to its extremely high quality


What Does Science Say About Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Specific conditions ?

Minami Nutrition is about proof NOT promises. Their product range is produced as a result of their committment to research that examines the effect of Omega-3 fats on a variety of medical areas, including Dyslexia, Dyspraxia, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) as well as Heart Disease and Wellness issues.

Clinical studies show that Omega-3 fatty acids are well tolerated by children and adults. The general consensus is that 1 g of EPA + DHA per day is sufficient to maintain optimum performance of the cardiovascular system in most people.*

Ongoing scientific research is revealing more about the enormous potential for Omega-3 fatty acids to positively impact on a range of health outcomes.

Heart and Cardiovascular Disease*:
Prevention = 1 g EPA + DHA/day (1,2)
With high blood triglycerides = 2 to 4 g EPA + DHA/day (6-9-10)

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD), Dyslexia, Dyspraxia*:
0.5 to 1 g EPA/day (4-16)

1g  (no DHA) day (3)

Bipolar Disorder* 1- 2g (no DHA) day as supplementary treatment with standard therapy (11-13)

2 g EPA/day as supplementary treatment with standard therapy (14)

Mood Disorder (aggression)*:
1 to 2 g EPA/day (15)

Pregnancy and Breast Feeding*:
220 to 800 mg EPA/day and 300 mg to 1 g DHA/day (17-19-20)

Brain and Visual Development*:
20-40 mg DHA/2.2 lb. body weight/day (21)