• $73.39
Over 30 published studies performed at the Virginia Medical School have shown that Chirositol, a nutrient derived from carob, is an effective supplement promoting healthy glucose metabolism including weight gain, as well as for excess androgen (male hormone)-related concerns such as PCOS, acne and male facial hair growth in women.

There is a connection between the loss of our waist and changing hormones.

Chirositol has been shown to promote healthy glucose metabolism and blood sugar levels. Chirositol works by pushing sugar into the cells thereby controlling blood glucose levels, glucose storage and the action of glucose in the cell. It will not, however, cause low blood sugar in those with normal blood sugar levels. Chirositol also elevates our happy hormone, serotonin. Reduced serotonin or poor metabolism of serotonin is linked to increased sugar cravings. By balancing serotonin and blood sugar, Chirositol also helps to control appetite.