• $7.99

Butler Soy Curls™ are an all-natural alternative to meat that are heart-healthy, delicious, and easy to use.

Soy Curls™ make Great Fajitas, Scrumptious Sandwiches, Sizzling Stir Fry, Heartwarming Soups, Salads, Mouthwatering casseroles, Barbeque and so many other dishes!

Soy Curls can be stored in a cool dry place and will keep till the best by date on the package.  Butler's suggest that the Soy Curls be kept in a refrigerator or freezer where they will keep for 12+ months.

Ingredients: Soy Curls are made from select, certified non-GMO, whole soybeans (Soy), grown without chemical pesticides.

  • Gluten free
  • Nongmo
  • Vegan