• $15.29
  • $12.99

Apple Pectin is a soluble source of fibre that helps to improve frequency + ease of bowel movements, stable blood sugar and LDL cholesterol levels.

According to Health Canada, adult males (19 – 50 years of age) should consume 38 grams of fibre daily, while adult females (19 – 50 years of age) should have an intake of 25 grams of fibre daily. However, there is concern that Canadian adults may not be meeting their recommended daily value.

Each of Organika ® 's Apple Pectin Capsules contains at least 66 mg of soluble fibre. Commonly used as a dietary fibre, pectin is a carbohydrate and major component in the cell wall of plants, fruits and vegetables. Such dietary fibres may slow gut motility and increase gastrointestinal transit time. For a source of fibre, choose Organika ® 's Apple Pectin Capsules.